HTML full form- Hypertext markup language

Basic information about Html

 HTML is employed to style an internet page.

• web content could be a machine-readable text Document that gives UI for interacting with resources.
• HyperText: The term Hyper comes from the Greek term which suggests “Beyond”
• Markup: it's general pc nomenclature derived from “Marking up”.
• Marking up is that the method of making ready data to gift in step with demand.
• terminology could be a language used for Presentation.
• hypertext mark-up language could be a presentation language.
• hypertext mark-up language is employed to gift data on the browser.
FAQ: what's the distinction between an artificial language and markup language?
• artificial language handles user interactions by dynamically acceptive input from the user, method the
request associate degreed generate an output.
• Presentation language is used just for presenting content.
Evolution of Markup Language:
• web begins with a browser referred to as “Mosaic”.
• the first terminology used for the web was “GML & SGML”
• Generic terminology and normal Generic terminology.
• These languages were used for presentation on a browser referred to as “Mosaic”.
• within the early Nineties at CERN [Council for European analysis and Nuclear] labs “Tim Berners Lee”
introduced a language referred to as “HTML”.
• Tim Berners Lee introduced the thought of net. [Father of the web]
• hypertext mark-up language is a superset to GML and standard generalized markup language.
• 1995 IETF [Internet Engineering Task Force] developed hypertext mark-up language version hypertext mark-up language a pair of.0
• 1997 W3C [World Wide net Consortium] developed hypertext mark-up language three.2 [Jan-1997]
• 1997 Gregorian calendar month W3C developed hypertext mark-up language four.0
• 2004 WHATWG [Web machine-readable text Application Technology Work Group] started tributary to hypertext mark-up language alongside
• 2014 W3C developed hypertext mark-up language five. Supported by a pair of groups: W3C & WHATWG