HTML Header 



HTML title

use in header


It defines a title to display in the browser title bar and to use as a title while bookmarking the page. 


<!doctype html>

<html lang="en-in">


        <title>Amazon Shopping</title>



HTML link

use in header


It is used to link any external file to your web page. It can be a stylesheet, shortcut icon etc.


Rules for defining a favicon:

  • Make sure that icon extension is ".ico" 
  • Make sure that icon has a size between 16 x 16 pixels.

and 32 x 32 pixels.

  • You have to define the path using "href".
  • You have to define the relationship by using "rel".

Create a Favicon and Link to Page:

  • Create a new folder in your project by name "icons"
  • Add a new file into icons folder by name "favicon.ico"
  • Right Click on "icons" folder and open in file explorer.
  • Right Click on "favicon.ico" and open with MSPaint.
  • Set page size between 16 x 16 to 32 x 32.
  • Draw an icon.
  • Save the icon.
  • Go to your HTML page "index.html" and link the file.


<!doctype html>

<html lang="en-in">


        <title>Amazon Shopping</title>

        <link rel="shortcut icon" href="icons/favicon.ico">



HTML script

use in header


It is an HTML element used to embed client-side and server-side scripts. JavaScript, jQuery, Angular JS, Node.js, ASP.NET etc. 


  <script type="text/javascript">


  <script runat="server">


HTML style

use in header


It is an HTML element used to embed styles into the page.

Style will make the page more attractive, responsive. 


<style type="text/css">


HTML meta

use in header


  • Meta stands for "Meta Data".
  • It is information about your page given to browser and SEO. [Search Engine Optimization]
  • Meta is required to make the page more browser friendly and SEO friendly.
  • Meta is defined by using <meta> element